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DECT WirelessTelecommunication

2020/2/17 18:47:36发布144次查看

digital enhanced cordless telecommunication (dect), the technology originated as a european initiative is now rapidly conquering the telecommunications world. the benefits offered by this high quality access technology are recognized by more and more users, regulators, standardization bodies, network operators, and equipment manufacturers. dect has proven multiple applicability as a network access in residential, business and public environments showing easy mobility, speech quality comparable to wire line telephony, a high level of security through advanced digital technology and encryption, allowing for high subscriber densities, flexible bandwidth allocation, multiple service support, cost competitiveness, flexible deployment and simple installation.
the digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (dect) standard provides a general radio access technology for wireless telecommunications, operating in the preferred 1880 to 1900 mhz band using gfsk (bt =0.5) modulation.
dect has been designed to provide access to any type of telecommunication network thus supporting numerous different applications and services. the range of dect applications includes residential. pstn and isdn access, wireless pabx, gsm access, wireless local loop, cordless terminal mobility ctm, local area network access supporting voice telephony, fax, modem, e-mail, internet, x.25,and many other services in a cost efficient manner.
a dect system comprises a dect fixed part (fp), utilizing one or more base stations (rfps), and one or more dect portable parts (pps). there is no limit to the size of the infrastructure as far as the number of base stations and cordless terminals is concerned. infrastructures using the dect technology can support traffic densities up to 10000 erlang/km2.
in principle the dect base standard (of which all parts are shown in table 1) only covers the “air interface” between a dect fixed part (fp) and a dect portable part (pp), it provides a toolbox with protocols and messages from which selections can be made (profiles) to access any specific type of network. in addition to cordless, dect makes available the network specific services and features (including mobility) to the user through the dect common air interface transparently.
it’s multi carrier, time division multiple access, time division duplex (mc/tdma/tdd) radio access method and continuous dynamic channel selection and allocation capability enable high capacity, pico-cellular systems, being utilized even in busy or hostile radio environments. these methods enable dect to offer excellent quality of service without the need for frequency planning. dect makes efficient use of the assigned radio spectrum, even when multiple operators and applications share the same frequency spectrum.
standardized profiles have been defined for e.g. generic access (gap; which is mandatory as a minimum requirement for all dect voice telephony equipment as from october 1997), radio in the local loop applications (rap), isdn and gsm interworking (gip).standard profiles encourage dect equipment manufacturers to implement interworking with the network in a harmonized way. this creates interoperability between dect equipment from different manufacturers and directs competition towards differentiation on non-technological features, providing consumers, and network operators with the luxury to choose from a variety of standard products. standardization of interworking also allows for mass production of system components, which in its turn provides significant cost benefits enabling highly attractive price/performance ratios for dect equipment.
the north american personal wireless telecommunications standards pwt and pwt/e (tia) are based on dect. pwt and pwt/e provide the same services as dect; they use the same framing structure mac, dlc, nwk layer and identities but an alternative modulation scheme and frequency allocation. the pwt operates in the us unlicensed band 1910 to 1920mhz. pwt/e is an extension into the licensed bands 1850 – 1910 mhz and 1930 - 1990mhz.



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